what happened in the deadly stampede?



France 2

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A deadly stampede took place Saturday, October 29 in Seoul during Halloween celebrations. In all, 153 people lost their lives. An investigation has been opened by the authorities.

Nearly 100,000 people pressed together on a narrow street in a bustling Seoul neighborhood on Saturday (October 29). Oppressed revelers, carried away by the movement of the crowd. “There were so many people being pushed around, I got caught up in the crowd. I felt like an accident was bound to happen”, says a young man. Two crowds of several thousand people who have come to celebrate Halloween meet and collide in a street alongside the Hamilton Hotel.

A man tries to escape through a facade. On the sidewalk, the rescuers helped by passers-by improvise cardiac massages. Scenes of horror and panic follow one another in the Korean capital. Among the victims, under makeshift shrouds in the street, many young women in their twenties. The South Korean president, dressed in emergency uniform, went there on Sunday, October 30. He decreed a national mourning throughout the country. The authorities have promised a rigorous investigation to shed light on the circumstances of this national tragedy.

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