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Vast territory of free movement of individuals and goods, the Schengen area is facing two major crises, one sanitary and the other migratory. These two large-scale crises forced the Estates members to hand over checks at their borders. The EU would consider reforming space Schengen. Julian Gasparutto, special correspondent in Brussels (Belgium), takes stock of the avenues mentioned by the European Commission.
“Save and strengthen space Schengen“was the slogan of the European Commission on Tuesday 14 December. Bet struggling by the health and migration crises, the EU wants to correct the situation. To avoid border closures in dispersed order like this was the case during the onset of the health crisis, the European Commission proposes the creation of a binding legal framework applied at all States members. The Commission is also proposing concerted actions to avoid an instrumentalisation of the migration crisis such as this was the case at the border between Poland and Belarus.
A change of the rules inside space Schengen was also mentioned. The Commission wishes to simplify the control procedures. A person arrested could be taken back to the neighboring country. These proposals have been closely scrutinized by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, while France will take the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in a few days.