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The popular Primary was won by Christiane Taubira, but it does not resolve the impasse of the left in this presidential election. Béatrice Gelot, journalist from the political service of France Télévisions, takes stock of the situation.
“The precipice is getting closer every day for the Socialist Party and Anne Hidalgo”, according to Béatrice Gelot, journalist from the political department of France Télévisions who takes stock of the situation. The results of the mayor of Paris cast doubt on the merits of her candidacy. “Anne Hidalgo’s position is even more weakened. Even if she no longer wanted this popular Primary, after asking for it, the results are there. She finished fifth with the mention passable + and yet PS executives, in particular the number 2, Corinne Narassiguin, had called on the militants to vote in this primary”, adds the journalist from France Télévisions.
Not having a candidate would compromise the Socialist Party’s legislative elections. “There are very few Socialist deputies left on the benches of the Assembly. They are a handful, around thirty. We are far from the 314 Socialist deputies after 2012, after the victory of François Hollande. Not having a candidate , that would mean, nothing less, than the pure and simple disappearance of the Socialist Party”, concludes Béatrice Gelot.