What financial aid for the energy renovation of our homes?

Frédéric Minier advisor DO to theALEC 37 (Local Energy and Climate Agency of Indre et Loire) advises you here on the steps to take in order to obtain financial aid for the energy renovation of your homes.
There are now two mechanisms concerning financial aid for energy renovation:
My renovation bonus, State aid, which replaces the initial “tax credit” and which concerns owners occupying their main residence and owner-lessors.
Aid from energy suppliers, within the framework of contracts signed with the State, by energy saving certificates to offset their carbon emissions.

Important thing to know: if you want to benefit from financial aid for the energy renovation of your home (change of door frames, installation of insulation, change of heating mode, etc.), it is imperative that you call upon a craftsman certified RGE (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment).

Also good to know: from 2023, the most energy-consuming homes, “thermal strainers” (label G), can no longer be rented out. then over the years, requirements will rise a notch in order to achieve a level of energy quality in housing that is sufficient in terms of thermal comfort and energy performance.

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