What expenses are deductible when you are liberal in health?

Osteopath, liberal dietician, nurse or liberal midwife, … There are many health professionals working as a “Liberal Profession”, and depending on your status, there are an interesting (and not insignificant) number of charges that the you can deduct from your taxes.

Do you know them all?

The importance of the relationship with your profession

Indeed, deductible professional expenses correspond to the expenses necessary for the exercise of your profession, which means that these expenses were made to carry out your activity.

However, these must be deemed “reasonable” and always justified by an invoice or a receipt which may be required in the event of an inspection by the tax authorities (note: a bank card ticket alone is not considered as proof).

Finally, it is requested to keep these supporting documents for 10 years … So remember to sort them well!

Some categories of deductible expenses for your activity

  • Equipment, office supplies, documentation and correspondence

We refer here to small equipment (office: recycle bin, calculator, pencil, mouse, keyboard, etc.), with medical consumables (masks, gowns, medicines), with postage and telecommunications costs (internet and telephone subscription, envelopes, stamps, etc.), at the professional documentation (professional books and magazines), as well as maintenance products !

  • Professional contributions, social charges and insurance

Indeed, to exercise your activity as a liberal, you must consider taking out civil liability, mutual insurance, etc.

The good news is that these charges are deductible, so you can reduce your taxes by deducting the charges. contributions to your AGM, to your Order, trade unions, and even URSSAF contributions, your pension fund, your mutual provident insurance, the insurance of your practice / local, …

You can even deduct your accountant’s fees !

  • Financial and travel expenses

If you must use your vehicle for a home care session, you can add the vehicle and travel expenses, because indeed, without your car (scooter), you would not have been able to ensure your consultations!

Concerning the Financial expenses (business loans and bank charges), interest and incidental charges (file, loan insurance) are deductible, as are account maintenance fees, credit card issues, bank commissions.

  • Other miscellaneous management fees

Get trained! Training is a deductible charge. Just like the magazines in the waiting room, the secretariat and telesecretariat, the communication agency that takes care of your SEO, your professional clothes, the rent of your practice, and even the music streaming platforms used for the practice (Spotify, iTunes, etc.)

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What expenses are never deductible?

Of course, personal expenses incurred in a private capacity have no connection with the exercise of your profession. One thinks for example of the costs of beauty (hairdressing, esthetics, current clothing costs, subscription to the sports hall), of the fines and surcharges of delay, the passage of the driving license. This is also the case for childcare costs and income tax.

What about meal expenses?

Although the tax administration accepts the deduction of meal expenses for liberal professionals, some conditions must be respected, in particular:

  • The expense must actually be required by the exercise of the function, and should not be for personal convenience
  • Meal costs must correspond to an actual charge and must be justified (sales receipt, invoice, detail)
  • The expense must be justified by the distance between the place of exercise and the home

Also note that shopping done for the purpose of cooking your meal at home during your working time is not deductible.

Finally, meals alone (your share) are not fully deductible, and that in 2021 only the part between € 4.95 and € 19.10 is really deductible.

2 concrete examples to illustrate this rule:

  • For a meal of € 14, only € 9.05 will be deductible (14 – 4.95 = € 9.05)
  • For a meal of 25 €, only 14.15 € will be deductible (19.10 – 4.95 = 14.15 €)

Therefore, think about the possibility of deducting your purchases from your professional expenses, because the gain can be significant!

Good to know: if the amount of your charges represents more than 34% of your turnover, it may be wise to switch to the real regime (with 2035 declaration) rather than staying at the micro-BNC.

How to save more than 500 euros per year?

To conclude this article, we remind you thatan osteopath spends on average € 1,200 for his accountant (i.e. 100 euros per month).

Our partner ça Compte Pour Moi offers a service identical to that of your accountant, but at unbeatable price of 55 euros per month (ie 660 euros per year), which represents a gain of 540 € at the end of the year (imagine over 5 years…). To benefit from it, you just need to be a member of Oostéo!

For more information, contact us on our form.

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