What Emmanuel Macron replied by text to a former Miss France who asks him to repeal summer time!

Geneviève de Fontenay has struck again… Long silent, the 89-year-old woman gave an interview for Paris here this Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Thus, after having mentioned his more than tense relationship with Nathalie Marquay, the latter mentioned the first lady!

During her interview, Geneviève de Fontenay indeed referred to her common points with Brigitte Macron, referring in particular to her desire to keep summer time all year round. A wish so strong that the former patroness of the Miss France committee did not hesitate to speak about it directly with the President of the Republic!

“Yes, I had also shared it with Emmanuel Macron in an SMS. He replied: ‘You have the same obsession as Brigitte’., she revealed to our colleagues from Here Paris. A response that prompted the lady in the hat to discuss the subject with Brigitte Macron.

“So I chased up the first lady to intercede. I hope that the president will act on this change of time, it seems to me to be common sense ”concluded Geneviève de Fontenay.

A closeness with the head of state and his first lady which does not prevent the octogenarian from saying what she thinks of Emmanuel Macron: “He wants to decide everything and dominate his world. His ministers are useless. When I have something to say, I write to Brigitte”she declared without language of wood to Here Paris.

See also: Emmanuel Macron shirtless? Vladimir Putin mocks and talks about a “disgusting sight”!


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