In a year, employees of small businesses will be better involved in the results of their work. This is the objective of the law on value sharing which was promulgated at the end of November. But there are holes in the racket.
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How can we better share the value generated by a company among all employees? This is the question that the law promulgated a few weeks ago attempts to answer. Details with Sarah Lemoine.
franceinfo: Does this law respond to all requests?
Sarah Lemoine: No, because the law does not concern very small businesses, those with fewer than 11 employees. For them, sharing the value will remain optional. What changes is for small SMEs, from 11 employees to 49. In one year, they will have the obligation to offer a value sharing system to their employees. But with a safety net. This obligation will only concern companies in good health, that is to say which have achieved a net profit at least equal to 1% of turnover, for 3 consecutive years. In 2025, they will have to consider the results of the previous three years (2022, 2023 and 2024).
What sharing mechanisms could be offered?
There are several to choose from. This can be participation, which allows a share of the profits to be redistributed. Profit-sharing, which is an optional bonus linked to results or performance. Or the Macron bonus, which is now called the value sharing bonus (PPV). Small businesses – profitable, remember – will be obliged to offer at least one of these devices. 1.5 million additional employees should benefit.
How can we encourage small SMEs not to rush into the Macron bonus?
The Macron bonus is simple to implement. Participation is more complicated. It is necessary to calculate the share of profits to be paid to the employee, the company must respect a legal formula. To encourage them to take the plunge, the law allows them to deviate from this legal formula, to pay potentially lower premiums. Small businesses will also be able to rely on a standard agreement, negotiated at the level of the professional sector.
Can these measures impact salaries?
The text reaffirms the principle of non-substitution. The sums paid for value sharing cannot replace salary increases. But the reality is less rosy. Several reports have already shown that the former Macron prime made it possible to partially circumvent the increase in remuneration.