what does the “toolbox” for seniors, defended by Les Républicains senators, contain?

The pension reform project was approved in committee by senators on Tuesday, February 28. It contains changes proposed by the right-wing rapporteurs to favor seniors.

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This is the main measure of what Republicans call the “toolbox” in favor of the elderly. Among the changes made by the right-wing rapporteurs in the pension reform project, approved by the senators in committee on Tuesday, February 28, one of them would allow the creation of a “CDI senior”.

>> Pension reform: senators Republicans want to eliminate special plans faster than expected

A company that hires an employee over the age of 60 would no longer have to pay family contributions for this employee. But this is subject to certain conditions, “it can last 5,6 or 7 years, there you employ a senior and you offer him an accommodation of his working conditions and you make this contract with him until the moment when he is at least at full rate and until he can benefit from his very legitimate retirement” specifies Senator LR René Paul Savary.

Promoting the employment of seniors

Paul Savary assures him, the device has received the agreement of the government. On the left, we judge the intention laudable, even if the solution is not ideal according to the socialist Monique Lubin. The Landes senatordoes not agree, as a general rule, with exemptions from social security contributions. I find that we do too much, at the end of the day, we end up complaining that there is no longer enough funding for social security.

In its toolbox, the senatorial right also plans to make conventional terminations aimed at seniors more costly and to promote the accumulation of employment and pensions. As for “the index” which must indicate the employment rate of seniors in each company. The Republicans do not see much interest in it for SMEs, they plan to introduce it only for companies with more than 300 employees.

The changes made in the project by Les Républicains also include the improvement, under certain conditions, of 5% pensions for women who have had children.

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