what does the Institut Pasteur say about the fifth wave?




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Shortly after the start of the fifth wave of Covid-19, son the plateau of JT, Damien Mascret takes stock of the Institut Pasteur projections.

Faced with the instability of the situation, several data must be taken into account: “The reference scenario of the Institut Pasteur would show that we could go up to 2,250 hospitalizations per day if we do not take a third dose”, explains Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist for France 2.

If the number of hospitalizations is lower than that recorded during the second wave, which amounted to around 3,000, Damien Mascret emphasizes the importance of the figure. The third vaccine booster could make the French escape the worst, but under several conditions. “You need to do 400,000 third doses per day. Today, we are more or less around 170,000. Then, there must be good support from the French. 50% of adults under 50 should take this third dose and 80% of those over 50 should also “, he explained.

Pastor Institute

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