what does the framework letter from the Minister of Health contain?

After the failure of negotiations between doctors and Health Insurance, the question of an increase in the price of the consultation up to 30 euros is still unresolved.


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A doctor wears a stethoscope.  Illustrative photo.  (VALLAURI NICOLAS / MAXPPP)

What will the cost of a consultation with your general practitioner or specialist be in the coming months? After the failure of negotiations in the spring between doctors’ unions and Medicare, discussions must “reconnect very quickly”, the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau assured on October 11. The latter must send, Tuesday, October 17, a framework letter to the director of Health Insurance.

In this letter, the Minister of Health formally entrusts the negotiation to the Director of Health Insurance and defines the main objectives. Namely, the agreement to increase the price of the consultation with the general practitioner, today set at 25 euros and from November 1 at 26.50 euros. But will Health Insurance agree to go up to 30 euros, which doctors’ unions consider to be a minimum? “This will be the whole subject of the negotiation“, cautiously responds the Ministry of Health.

In the spring, Health Insurance agreed to a rate of 30 euros. But on condition that doctors increase their workload, while six million French people do not have a regular doctor. A proposal that the unions had refused. This time again, the Ministry of Health seems in favor of increasing the price of the consultation but gradually, over the years. And why not, also, by setting conditions.

The idea is not to give a blank check, while medical deserts are more numerous every day and the Social Security hole is expected to widen further in 2024.

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