what does the agreement between the Socialist Party and La France insoumise contain?

The long negotiations between the PS and LFI were not in vain. La France insoumise and the Socialist Party announced, Wednesday, May 4, to have concluded their agreement for the legislative elections. The latter concerns the strategy, the program and the constituencies, but must still be submitted to the internal vote of the national council of the PS, Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m. Several points of the agreement were fiercely negotiated.

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By signing this LFI agreement, theThe PS thus joins the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, of which EELV and the PCF are already members by virtue of the agreements made over the past three days. They all have the same goal: “We want to elect deputies in a majority of constituencies, to prevent Emmanuel Macron from continuing his unjust and brutal policy (RSA under the condition of free work and retirement at 65) and beat the far right”, according to the terms of the joint press release.

In the event of electoral success during the legislative elections, the Socialist Party has agreed to line up behind the leader of La France insoumise for a possible left-wing government. “The Prime Minister would come from the largest group in the Assembly, namely Jean-Luc Mélenchon”specify the two parties.

However, this new union does not mean the fusion of the different parties into a single movement. The text takes up the strategic principles already approved by EELV and the PCF, on the guarantee of compliance with the “plurality” and “autonomy” of each of the parties, in particular via separate parliamentary groups, and on the establishment of an intergroup.

On the program, the main orientations are also validated with the PS: minimum wage at 1,400 euros net, the blocking of basic prices, the repeal of the El-Khomri law (a socialist), ecological planning, the Sixth Republic … Figure also explicitly “the defense of the secular and universalist Republic”, that the socialists wanted to see clarified.

A few niceties have also been added to suit both parties. For retirement at age 60, it will be “for everyone” but the PS added: “with particular attention to long, discontinuous careers and arduous occupations”.

The two formations also acti “different stories with the European construction”. Vis-à-vis the European treaties which would block the application of the program on certain points, LFI and the PS thus make a lexical compromise: “We are talking about disobeying for some, of derogating temporarily for others”.

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