This Thursday, September 26, Lebanese listeners of “Ça dit quoi” testify to their fear of a war with Israel, five people are suspected of having scammed the personal training account of several million euros and a Nintendo museum is preparing its opening in Japan.
Reading time: 6 min

“Hi, it’s Leo, what does it say?”
This Thursday, September 26, Lebanese listeners of “Ça dit quoi” spontaneously sent us voice messages to tell us about their fear of a war with Israel. The Jewish state launched an offensive against Hezbollah, but the 2,000 airstrikes caused a majority of civilian casualties, according to Lebanese authorities.
Five people have been arrested in Yvelines in recent days on suspicion of fraud against the personal training account (CPF), which allows French employees to pay for all kinds of training. They are accused of having received 31 million euros by creating fake training companies to train thousands of fake people who, in fact, received real money from the CPF.
And then, on the occasion of the opening of the first Nintendo museum on October 2, which “Ça dit quoi” invites you to visit in preview in the episode, tell us your memories of Nintendo and what are the best games, according to you! Still by voice, thank you!
“Ça dit quoi?”, a podcast to listen to from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. on, on the franceinfo WhatsApp channel, on TikTok or on all podcast platforms:
A particular desire, a news item questions you or made you react? Introduce yourself and send a voice to “Ça dit quoi” to participate in a future episode: “Hi Léo, hi Sarah!”