This Wednesday, October 25, Emmanuel Macron must meet Arab leaders after his proposal for an international coalition against Hamas, equality between women and men is progressing, and Daft Punk seems in advanced contact for the opening ceremony of the Games Olympics.

“Hi it’s Leo, what does it say?”
This Wednesday, October 25, Emmanuel Macron continues his tour in the Middle East. After Israel on Tuesday, he must now meet Arab leaders in Jordan. The French president is seeking support after proposing to set up an international coalition against Hamas, modeled on that which fights against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. He also wants to reactivate the peace process via the two-state solution, Israeli and Palestinian.
“A Palestinian life is worth an Israeli life”
Equality between women and men is progressing, according to the European Institute for Gender Equality, which compiles data on working time, salaries, parity in politics and even household chores. On this last point, women are doing less in recent years but not necessarily because men are doing more. It is also thanks to a certain democratization of meal deliveries or domestic staff.
And then will Daft Punk reform “one more time”? In any case, the idea would please the artistic director of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. “It would be very happy if they were in this ceremony, we can’t not think about it,” said Thomas Jolly on Tuesday on France Inter, before implying that contacts were already well advanced.
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