what does Marion Maréchal play?

For 25 days, until the first round of the presidential election, Marion Maréchal will continue to play the good student in Zemmourie, completely devoted to her candidate. It therefore multiplies the public meetings. The couple even appear side by side on campaign posters. Officially, it’s a real honeymoon. They are exactly on the same ideological line, more conservative on societal issues and more radical on immigration and Islam than that of Marine Le Pen, at least in words.

And yet, Marion Maréchal also wants to make her little music heard. She began by rejecting, this weekend, Eric Zemmour’s proposal to ban foreign first names. Not credible, according to the niece of Marine Le Pen, who wants to date. If Marion Maréchal joined Éric Zemmour late, when the far-right polemicist was already down in the polls, it was to prepare for the future. She does not believe the Reconquest candidate! capable of winning the presidential election next month. Even less since his last two failed television performances, his failure during the debate against Valérie Pécresse, then his erratic conclusion during the TF1 broadcast on Monday evening.

What motivates Marion Maréchal is the continuation, the construction of a hypothetical “union of the rights”, or rather a union of the far right and the far right on the ruins of the combined defeats of Marine Le Pen and ‘Eric Zemmour. To achieve this, it is impossible to return to lock yourself in the National Rally bunker. Despite the so-called “de-demonization” strategy, Marine Le Pen was unable to bring the RN out of isolation and form alliances on the right. That’s why Maréchal is betting on Zemmour. She wants to use it as a tool to flirt with rallies on the right, especially after a clear defeat for Valérie Pécresse.

The rivalry between the two is therefore inevitable, and has even already begun. On the side of Éric Zemmour, some note that the rallying of the former FN deputy did not bring anything in the polls. As for Marion Maréchal, she is determined to obtain as many Reconquest nominations as possible! for his proteges for the June legislative elections. With the presidential goal of 2027 in sight. And an asset, she thinks: Éric Zemmour is 63 years old, she is only 32.

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