What does it say this September 15?

This Friday, September 15, “Fridays for future” calls young people for a new global climate strike, the 7,000 exiles who arrived in Lampedusa are transferred to other regions of Italy and the CD experiences a second youth in the United States .


A sign held up during the last global climate strike, on September 23, 2022, in Bordeaux.  (THIBAUD MORITZ / AFP)

“Hi it’s Leo, what does it say?”

This Friday, September 15, is the return of youth demonstrations for the climate with this call for a new global strike launched by Greta Thunberg’s movement “Fridays for future”. Mobilization was not there in 2022 in France, with only 200 to 300 demonstrators in Paris. The example will undoubtedly be set again this year by the Germans, of whom nearly 40,000 gathered in 2022 in Berlin.

More than 7,000 migrants have arrived in Lampedusa, off the coast of Tunisia, in recent days. The Italian island is overwhelmed even though it has approximately the same number of inhabitants. Things are still getting better this Friday with transfers of exiles to other regions of Italy, but the political pressure is not easing. A year after the election of Giorgia Meloni and a few months before the European elections, the European far-right is mobilizing against these arrivals “at the gates of Europe”.

And then the CD became fashionable again in the United States! According to the Washington Post, while compact disc sales have been declining since 2004, the trend has been reversed across the Atlantic for two years. If CDs still represent only 3% of sales in the music industry, compared to 96% 20 years ago, some young Americans are attracted by this format, which is less expensive than vinyl but just as vintage, which takes up less space and which also has the advantage of allowing you to build material memories.

While waiting to get your new CD released this Friday, Chilly Gonzales shared her album on all podcast platforms and on YouTube.

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