“What does he do for a living? It’s so weird”

The conflict persists between
Anouchka Delon
and his brothers. This Saturday February 24, 2024, Anthony Delon, eldest son of actor Alain Delon, took to his social networks to respond to his sister who, a few hours earlier, gave a long interview to our colleagues at the magazine She. In addition to condemning what he considers to be “slanderous interview”, the 59-year-old actor responded scathingly to an Internet user’s comment, directing a dig at his brother-in-law Julien Dereims.

“I just had one request,” this person asked online, “what is Anouchka’s husband? Finally, he also lives off his father-in-law’s money? What does he do for a living? No, because “It’s too weird, he’s there without being there. Maybe he should help her think about her behavior.”wrote one of his subscribers in a publication against Lino’s mother.

A question to which Alain-Fabien Delon’s brother responded as follows: “On the contrary, he pushed him! It’s his interest too. My father can’t see it. Why do you think he never comes to Douchy! He always called him”the dowry hunter“. Who is he? The actor who wrote the longest screenplay in French cinema. He’s been at it for 5 years! The time of a Swiss residency…” Heavy accusations which may not please the wife of the person concerned.

See also: Alain Delon: his daughter Anouchka publishes a disturbing photo live from the hospital

“Daddy’s little girl, rich, venal”

Guest of Léa Salamé on the airwaves of France Inter this Wednesday February 28, 2024, Anouchka Delon tried to defend herself. “I pass for daddy’s little girl, rich, venal who attacks his father […] but there is so much ego in us”, she explained. And to continue: “My brothers have long made me bear the weight of guilt for their bad relationship with their father.” Suffice to say that the situation seems unlikely to calm down.


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