What does Candlemas mean in Alsace?

Today is the Màriàlichtmass. Who says Candlemas says quarantine. You can count, it’s exactly forty days after Christmas, the birth of Jesus. For Marie, it’s the day of the relieveilles, get up slowly, because it’s a purification ceremony imposed on women who have given birth, according to the Jewish rite, 40 days after childbirth.

It is this founding event that Christians commemorate today, at the same time as the presentation of Jesus in the Temple and his recognition by Simeon as “Light of Israel”. We find all this in the Alsatian word Màriàlichtmass, Mary, Light, mass. Everything is inside. Yes, there are a lot of things going on at the same time.

And candlemas, why? Because it is necessary! the word Candlemas has a Latin origin: the festa candelarum, (or “candlelight festival”). Today, candles are blessed to remind us that Christ is the light of the world. And what is the connection between candles and pancakes? Same, Light. The pancakes with their round shape and their golden color recall the Sun finally returning after the darkness of winter, it is also the time of the year when the days are getting longer and faster.

It was also at this time of the year that winter sowing began. Surplus flour was used to make these pancakes, which are a symbol of prosperity for the coming year. Go hop, a little saying in Alsatian to finish: Maria-Lichtmass, Winter bààl vergass, Un bi Dàà s’Nàcht ass. Candlemas arrived, Winter soon forgotten, supper is still day.

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