What does April 5 say?

This Friday, April 5, Emmanuel Macron took a further step in recognizing France’s responsibility in the genocide in Rwanda, the cycling world is worried about the speed of riders after a spectacular fall and 30 years ago , Kurt Cobain ended his life.


Reading time: 5 min

Emmanuel Macron visiting the Kigali Genocide Memorial, Rwanda, May 27, 2021. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

“Hi it’s Sarah, what does it say?”

This Friday, April 5, Emmanuel Macron recognized that France “could have stopped the genocide” in Rwanda but has no “did not have the will”. This Sunday the country will commemorate 30 years since the start of the killings perpetrated by Hutus on Tutsis. On site, the victims must learn to live with the trauma and alongside the executioners.

An impressive fall during the Tour of the Basque Country this Thursday took Jonas Vingegaard to hospital. The winner of the Tour de France, as well as the former world champion Remco Evenpoel, suffer from several fractures. An accident which raises the question of racing at speed in professional cycling: the equipment and the competition in the teams encourage the riders to expose themselves to ever more risks.

On April 5, 1994, 30 years ago, Kurt Cobain committed suicide in Seattle. The Nirvana singer struggled with fame and pressure, taking refuge in drugs. He also suffered from mental health problems, at a time when such subjects remained taboo. 30 years later, he remains a music icon, recognized and covered by artists of all musical trends.

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