what do we know about these cases of hepatitis of unknown origin in children in the United Kingdom?

The alert left Scotland on April 5, where a dozen children under the age of 10 were affected by severe inflammation of the liver. Yellowing of the eyes and skin, dark urine, stomach aches: the symptoms are typical of hepatitis, explains the British Health Safety Agency. But at the end of the laboratory tests, the “classic” viruses of hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, were excluded.
And, after investigation, a total of 74 cases of this unknown hepatitis have been identified in the United Kingdom. Three cases have also been reported in Spain.
The WHO fortunately does not deplore any deaths but six children had to undergo a liver transplant.

The British authorities are exploring three avenues to determine the origin of this hepatitis: that of contamination of food origin (by water or poorly washed food), that of an environmental origin, but above all, explains the professor Yazdan Yazdanpanah, who heads the ANRS health agency / emerging infectious diseases, the cause can be infectious and viral.

A group of viruses, the adenoviruses, which are the cause of certain colds or respiratory infections, could be the cause of these hepatitis, he explains, because these adenoviruses have been detected in several children affected by these hepatitis. Their role in the development of the disease is not yet certain, but it is a serious lead. In addition, other children have tested positive for SARS-Cov-2, and this is another line of inquiry. On the other hand, any link with the anti-Covid vaccination is ruled out, because none of the children affected in the United Kingdom were vaccinated.

As soon as these reports were announced, Public Health France questioned its network of specialists and explored the data on hospital emergency visits. At this stage, indicates the Directorate General for Health, there is no increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children reported in France.

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