What do we know about the Omicron variant?

Since the arrival of the Delta, no new form of the virus has caused so much concern on the planet. What do we know about this new “worrying” variant called Omicron? Press asked the question to experts.

Suzanne Colpron

Suzanne Colpron

Why is it “worrying”?

Because it has a greater number of mutations than the Delta variant, some of which are considered “of concern” by the World Health Organization. “It could allow increased transmission or escape vaccination, but there is nothing yet proven,” said Caroline Quach, specialist in pediatric infectious diseases and medical microbiologist at CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal. Another source of concern: the number of cases and the share attributed to this new variant is increasing very rapidly in southern Africa, where it was first detected on November 24. “In two weeks, in parts of South Africa, it is up to 75% of all strains sequenced. The progression seems very rapid, ”explains Alain Lamarre, professor and researcher in immunology and virology at the National Institute for Scientific Research.

What is its effect on vaccines?

For now, the effectiveness of vaccines against this new form of the coronavirus is under investigation. Pfizer and Moderna have started testing to analyze its resistance to vaccines, but it will take a few weeks to see results. Moderna has nevertheless already announced its intention to develop a specific booster dose for the new Omicron variant.

Could he supplant the Delta?

“It may happen if it is more contagious, because it will circulate more quickly and affect more people,” says Roxane Borgès Da Silva, professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal. “It is not impossible,” adds Alain Lamarre, given what is observed in the region of South Africa where cases have appeared. Most experts expected the next variant of concern to be the result of an evolution of the Delta, but Omicron is a completely separate strain.

Is there a risk of arriving in Quebec?

” Absoutely ! No doubt that he will arrive in Quebec with international travel, assures Mr.me Borges Da Silva. We would have to live in autarky, as New Zealand and Australia did at the start of the crisis, to have a chance of not having it on the territory. But that seems impossible to me. It is better to put in place safety nets and screening tools, so that everyone is involved in their risk management. Alain Lamarre believes that this new variant may even already be here. “He’s probably been traveling in South Africa for more than three weeks. It has had time to spread to other places on the planet and it is possible that it is already in Canada, ”he says. One case has been reported in Hong Kong, one in Israel in a person returning from Malawi and another in Belgium.

Can we take shelter?

Its onset and spread in Canada can be slowed down. “But if it becomes predominant, we will not be able to prevent it from coming here,” says Alain Lamarre, who advises reactivating our monitoring mechanisms, including PCR screening tests, even if we have not yet of known cases of the Omicron variant. “Maybe there is also a way to increase the sequencing coverage a bit more to make sure that we don’t miss it,” he adds. And then, once we detect it, if we detect it, we have to be very quick to isolate people and quarantine them, and do PCR tests to confirm the potential cases of those close to those detected cases. ”

Should we adopt measures in anticipation of the Holidays?

In the opinion of the experts, it is necessary to remain cautious and to continue to respect the sanitary instructions. “There is a clear rise in the number of cases at the moment,” recalls Mr. Lamarre. It’s not yet translating into more hospital patients and more deaths, but now is not the time to let our guard down. To those who plan to get together during the holidays, Mr.me Da Silva advises to open the windows for 10 minutes, every hour, to change the air, and to try, as much as possible, to keep your distance. “What is important to remember is to remain vigilant, but not to cause panic, she sums up. We must also be preventive, for example by deploying rapid tests as quickly as possible to prevent contagions. ”

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