what do the programs of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen say?


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A little less than a week before the second round of the 2022 presidential election, Monday April 18, France Télévisions takes stock of the programs of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron concerning immigration.

If immigration hardly occupies a page in the program of Emmanuel Macron, it fills 46 in that of Marine Le Pen. Not the same importance therefore, but a comparable stated objective: better control migratory flows. To achieve this, the first project according to the two finalists: borders. For Emmanuel Macron, this requires a reform on a European scale. Marine Le Pen, she favors the national level.

Among the priorities of the president-candidate, an overhaul of the right to asylum. Her rival, Marine Le Pen, is betting most of her immigration project on one method: the referendum. Among its solutions, the primacy of national law, national priority, the supervision of family reunification or even the abolition of jus soli. For his part, if he is re-elected, Emmanuel Macron intends to expel foreigners who disturb public order or even condition residence permits long duration to an exam of French success.

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