What do the new channels of Ouest-France and billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, authorized by Arcom on TNT, offer?

The audiovisual watchdog, Arcom, gave its verdict on the allocation of DTT frequencies on Wednesday, July 24. The applications of C8 and NRJ12, two channels well known to the French, were not selected, while two new projects will appear on television from 2025, OFTV and Réels TV. Arcom based its decision in particular on “the interest of each project for the public with regard to the priority imperative of pluralism of socio-cultural currents of expression”the organization said in its press release. The numbering of the channels will be examined in the fall.

OF TV, a “territorial” channel with general programming

OFTV is a channel project supported by the Ouest France group, a regional daily broadcast from Rennes to Paris, and along the entire west coast. A media project “unifying, accessible to all and creator of cohesion in the territories”presented FRançois-Xavier Lefranc, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ouest-France, on franceinfo, Wednesday July 24.

OFTV will be aimed at 25-49 year olds, mainly rural, with the aim “to promote the great diversity of territories”assured the president during the presentation of the project before Arcom, on July 16. The channel, “produced in the region”in Rennes, will rely on the group’s 700 journalists, in France and abroad, “as well as the editorial offices of our PQR (regional daily press) partners.”

The programming will be general, with “news, magazines, documentaries, fiction, sports and entertainment”and a driving slogan: “Real life”.

• Give voice to “anonymous” people

A daily talk show, called “The Talk in Real Life”, on set, in public and live, which will be “at the crossroads of entertainment and information”, will be hosted by four television and social media personalities. The occasion, according to Édouard Reis-Carona, director of the audiovisual division of Ouest-France, “mto highlight personalities and anonymous people that we are not used to seeing on television.”

Three evenings a week will be devoted to magazines and documentaries in which “we will tell authentic stories of French women and men, fishermen, farmers, entrepreneurs”, explains Édouard Reis-Carona. He cites an example : “Sailors and landlubbers, our everyday heroes.”

Another format, “Real Life”, “will seek concrete solutions” on everyday topics such as purchasing power, health, the world of work, education, or even parenthood.

• Giant hide and seek and history show

On the entertainment side, the channel promises “original formats inspired by successful recipes”. Including “Cache-cache”, a giant game of hide-and-seek organized across all territories, or “La Fanfare”, which will go, “by surprise, set the stands of an amateur sports team alight”. Not forgetting the broadcasting of comedy shows, concert events and festivals throughout France, and fiction and cinema, which tell “The life, the real one”.

Every Friday evening, a documentary series will “dust off history and heritage”, hosted by historian Manon Bril, who is very active on social networks, which is why “attract a younger audience.” Sport will also be present on the channel,

Finally, OFTV will offer a daily television news program, called “From the commune to the world”, the “signature” from Ouest-France. A version “short, rhythmic and focused on daily life”. The group wants “to slice” with the approach “sometimes Parisianist” of certain media, explains the director of the audiovisual division.

Real TV, a “3D” media

The Réels TV project is supported by CMI France, founded by billionaire Daniel Kretinsky. A group that owns 18 magazines, including She Or Femina versiondigital media, including Loopsider, podcast production companies like Louie Media, but also publishing houses, manga or comics. Media which bring together, in total, more than 500 journalists.

Denis Olivennes, president of CMI France, defined Réels TV as a channel “3D generalist: documentary, debate and entertainment”during the presentation at Arcom, with the slogan: “The TV that reaches out to you.” The channel will also benefit from the resources “technical, journalistic and digital” from the CMI group and will target 24 to 59 year-olds, who are relatively active.

• The documentaries, “the backbone”, of the channel

Réels TV promises to offer documentaries around five themes: “society, history, geopolitics, science and culture”lists Camille Brunier, head of the CMI management. For example, a documentary that would allow “understand the societal and ethical issues surrounding the end of life”.

The channel plans to highlight a diversified offering, with directors such as Stéphane Meunier, who directed the legendary documentary Eyes in the Blues on the journey of the Blues, world football champions in 1998. Mona Achache, director of the series HPI or even the film Little Girl Bluewill also be there.

These programs will be offered throughout the day on weekdays, in partnership with Loopsider, which will allow us to reach a younger audience. “between 19 and 24 years old”, assures Camille Brunier. Every Tuesday and Friday, these documentaries will be followed by a debate.

• Debates “to better understand”

A daily evening preview show will allow “better understand the information and leave room for debate, not simplistic or Manichean”says Camille Brunier. It will be divided into three parts: an interview with a personality (politician, business leader), then a debate with current affairs figures and columnists. Among the latter, we will find Raphaël Enthoven and Caroline Fourest, who founded the magazine Free-Shooteralso owned by the CMI group.

Finally, there will be a “cultural sequence” with a guest from cinema, literature, theater, who will talk about current events.

• “Popular and quality” entertainment

The third “D” stands for entertainment, the channel plans programs “varied”. Several evenings a week, starting at 9 p.m., will be dedicated to culture, whether it be cinema, literature, or entertainment. A “cinema club” will allow “rediscovering our heritage”with films by Albert Dupontel, or even Black Swanwith Natalie Portman.

The weekend will be dedicated to “the art of living”with magazines that will have as main themes: beauty, health, fashion, decoration, or even gastronomy.

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