Video length: 2 min
New government: what do the French people we met in Aubagne think?
New government: what do the French people we met in Aubagne think?
(France 2)
François Hollande calls on left-wing elected officials to vote for a motion of censure against the Barnier government. What do the French think about it? Meeting at the Aubagne market, Sunday, September 22.
Barely announced, the Barnier government is already causing a stir. On the stand of Virginie Raes, a florist at the Aubagne market (Bouches-du-Rhône), there was disappointment on Sunday, September 22.Where is French democracy?“, a man wonders. “We are not being heard, so I don’t know what the point of these elections is, ultimately.“, adds Virginie Raes.
Faced with 39 ministers who mainly come from the centre and the right, many left-wing sympathisers are at a loss.I think we’re taking the same people and starting over. The left still came out on top in the elections that were held, and there’s no one representing them. It’s not very logical.”observes a customer.Chimney“, denounces another, who believes that “Macron does what he wants”.
Robert Spinabella, a paella seller, is more optimistic: “Why not mix it up? It could be something good.”