What do the French expect from this nomination?


Video length: 2 min

Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister: what do the French expect from this appointment?
Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister: what do the French expect from this appointment?
(France 2)

Emmanuel Macron finally appointed a Prime Minister on Thursday, September 5. On Friday, in Colmar, residents expressed their surprise. While some viewed this appointment favorably, others were expecting a turnaround, particularly on the issue of salaries.

When having coffee at the bar in Colmar (Haut-Rhin), politics came up in the conversations on Friday, September 6. The day after Michel Barnier was appointed as the new Prime Minister, a shopkeeper interviewed said he was surprised by this choice.We were used to youth, but having listened to his speech, I think we have to see what he will manage to do and how he will manage to lead with all the divisions that currently exist.“, believes Christian Lustenberger.

He is someone who has nothing to lose.“, also claims a customer, while Michel Barnier will have to find agreements and compromises to govern. A group of entrepreneurs in the construction and real estate sectors, coffees in hand, give their confidence to the tenant of Matignon. The tone of the bell is not the same from another shopkeeper, who denounces a non-compliance of the verdict of the ballot boxes and place”wages, purchasing power“as priority subjects for the new Prime Minister.

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