what do the employees who have already adopted it think?

Data processing, task automation: employees who already know the repercussions of artificial intelligence in their daily work have a rather positive image of it.

More than one out of two, 54% exactly, affirms, in a study which appears Tuesday January 18 and which was carried out by the Boston Consulting Group, that artificial intelligence has had consequences which go in the good direction on their well – to be at work. They are only 15% to say the opposite, among those who already experience it.

And when we ask them to project themselves into the next five years, nearly two-thirds of employees think that artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on well-being at work, and even on their professional development by removing dealing with tedious tasks that today take up too much of their time. This is the opinion of three-quarters of employees who also think, to a very large extent, that artificial intelligence will improve the quality of their work.

However, there is distrust vis-à-vis artificial intelligence: three risks are pointed out by employees. The first is more control. A massive proportion of respondents, more than three-quarters, are afraid that artificial intelligence will monitor everything in the company. Second risk: the dehumanization of work. And the third, there are fears that artificial intelligence will eliminate jobs. Two-thirds of employees fear this situation.

Fears that business leaders do not share. They rather see what artificial intelligence could save them. Half of executives believe that using data could increase their company’s revenue by at least 5%.

According to them, the movement is underway and artificial intelligence will spread everywhere in companies since nearly 60% foresee increased investments in this area compared to last year. Employees do not seem to prove them wrong: in large groups, in particular, three-quarters of them say that the company needs to get started urgently.

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