what do the candidates propose in terms of the fight against global warming?

A week before the first round of the presidential election, franceinfo helps you see more clearly every morning on the programs of the candidates for the presidential election. You will find the five themes selected in length in the franceinfo news podcast Le Quart d’Heure, online on the France radio application and all platforms.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published, Monday, April 4, the third and final part of its sixth report on climate change. Scientists assessed how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This fight against the climate crisis is one of the challenges of this presidential campaign, franceinfo takes stock of the candidates’ proposals.

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The finding is a little discouraging because none of the programs of the 12 candidates fully meets the objectives of the Paris agreement of 2015, according to the study published by the NGO Les Shifters in collaboration with franceinfo. It should be noted, however, that according to this study, there are better students than others, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot.

If the candidates do not intend to fully respect the Paris agreement, all of them still have proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Especially on how to produce our energy. On the right, Valérie Pécresse, Éric Zemmour, Jean Lassalle or even Nicolas Dupont-Aignan have the solution for producing carbon-free energy: nuclear power. “Against global warming, the main measure is nuclear power because it is the energy that emits the least CO2”advances in particular the candidate of Reconquest!. “I am for [le nucléaire] because I don’t see how we could manage today”, develops the deputy of Béarn. “We will not reach zero carbon in 2050 without a nuclear recovery plan that gives it a future”argues the candidate of the Les Républicains party.

Among the “pro” nuclear, there is also Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, who wants to continue the construction of new generation nuclear power plants. But also Fabien Roussel of the French Communist Party, who wants to create new power stations.

The “anti” nuclear, on the other hand, we find them all on the left. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo and Philippe Poutou who, for example, proposes stopping it within ten years because of the dangerousness of this technology. There remains the case of Nathalie Arthaud of Lutte Ouvrière, who does not comment frankly on the subject.

Those who want to get rid of nuclear power are betting everything on renewables. Yannick Jadot promises 340 km² of solar panels by the end of his mandate. The environmentalist candidate who, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also wants to develop off-shore wind projects, that is to say in the sea. Wind turbines which are the bane of right-wing and far-right candidates . Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour simply want to delete them.

All the candidates agree that thermal cars, that is to say petrol or diesel, should disappear. This is normal since the European Union will in any case ban their sale from 2035. It should also be noted that the presidential candidates want us to take the train, but in a more or less restrictive way. Anne Hidalgo, for example, wants to double the number of small lines by 2030.

Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon go further with the ban on domestic flights when it is possible to make the same train journeys in less than four hours. Emmanuel Macron, on the other hand, wants to invest so that France produces the first low-carbon plane. Fighting the climate crisis also involves insulating homes. It is necessary to avoid “thermal strainers” which consume a lot of energy. Virtually all applicants therefore propose major renovation plans.

On funding, there are real disagreements between the parties. Candidates on the left want to finance the ecological transition with taxes. For example, Jean-Luc Mélenchon who unlocks 200 billion euros thanks in particular to the restoration of wealth tax and also by taxing the most polluting companies.

We find almost the same method for Anne Hidalgo and Yannick Jadot. On the right, Valérie Pécresse wants to use the savings of the French by transforming the livret A into a green booklet. The key, 120 billion to invest in ecological projects according to the candidate. Éric Zemmour remains vague on his costing around ecology.

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