what do LREM and RN activists expect from the debate?


France 2

Article written by

D. Schlienger, A. Richier, H. Capelli, L. Campisi, B. Garguy-Chartier, V. Llado, G. Le Goff, S. Giaume, B. Poulain, L. Calvy, M. Marini – France 2

France Televisions

Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will face each other live, Wednesday April 20, during the debate between the two rounds of the 2022 presidential election. What are the expectations of the activists who support them?

Debate between the two rounds of the 2022 presidential election obliges, thousands of activists will be riveted to their mobile phones to react on social networks. On one side as on the other, the militants are ready to support their candidate. “Navy worked. This 2022 debate has been worked on for five years. She’s ready, and more than ready”, says an RN activist. “We are very serene behind our candidate. He really knows his numbers, his records. He worked for five years“, adds an LREM activist.

In each camp, they have the same expectation: that the exchanges revolve around the balance sheet of the outgoing president. But obviously they don’t have the same perspective. “He will just have to unfold his balance sheet which is in my opinion: good“, says an LREM activist. “He has a record that is catastrophic, he will have to try to defend it and I think it’s mission impossible“, says an RN activist for his part. Everyone wants a peaceful debate, so that everyone can clearly express their ideas.

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