What do left-wing voters think of the agreement between LFI and the PS?


France 3

Article written by

T. Curtet, N. Salem, L. Calvy, S. Ripaud – France 3

France Televisions

The National Council of the Socialist Party (PS) meets, Thursday, May 5, to decide on the agreement with La France insoumise (LFI). France 3 went to meet left-wing voters to find out what they think.

In Savigny-le-Temple (Seine-et-Marne), the deputy is Olivier Faure, the First Secretary of the Socialist Party (PS). But here, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round of the presidential election. So what do left-wing voters think of the rapprochement between the PS and La France insoumise? “I am for this agreement, I was even for a presidential agreement”says a resident of Savigny-le-Temple.

For another resident, this rapprochement would mortgage the future of the PS. “Afterwards, there are no more, it’s obvious. It’s not because the score in the presidential election was catastrophic that there is nothing to do elsewhere or otherwise”she says, adding that it is “impossible” that Jean-Luc Mélenchon accedes to the post of Prime Minister. Jean-Daniel Calenpasse, le treasurer of the local PS, wants, for his part, to be positive. “The message sent is really to show that we are capable, in all intelligence, of uniting the left, knowing that each party will keep its independence”he presses.

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