what do Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen offer for health?


France 2

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The two qualified candidates for the second round of the presidential election presented several measures for the health sector. France Télévisions is looking at the two programs.

Among the priorities of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, qualified for the second round of the presidential election, is the fight against medical deserts. The candidate of the National Rally thus offers financial incentives for doctors located in areas under tension, or even the development of teleconsultation. As for the outgoing president, he proposes a fourth year of internship in rural areas, and the possibility for nurses and pharmacists to practice simple acts.

The majority of nurses I meet, especially in private practice, don’t even have time to do their own tasks, so delegate other tasks to them, I’m fine with it, but if they can’t already do what we ask them, ask them other things, it will be complicated“, valued Wilfried Sammut, doctor and delegate of the Association of Emergency Physicians of France. Regarding the public hospital, Marine Le Pen proposes to increase the salary of nurses up to 10% to make the job more attractive. Emmanuel Macron, for his part, wants to reduce administrative costs and give more responsibilities to paramedics, such as pharmacists or midwives. The two candidates also intend to focus on training and increase the number of places available, but it is impossible to train more doctors without rethinking the university course, according to the Association of Emergency Physicians of France.

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