Plan ahead this Thursday, September 29 in Finistère. Schools, canteens and public transport will be disrupted due to a call for a national strike launched by the CGT, FSU, Solidaires unions and youth movements. A mobilization to defend purchasing power, demand better wages and against the pension reform desired by the government. What to expect today in Finistère?
In schools
In schools first, there will be no canteen, daycare or extracurricular in the vast majority of establishments in the department. In Brest, of the city’s 65 public schools, only four will not be disrupted. Families are invited to inquire on the city’s website for details of the disruptions. Same thing for crèches and day care centres. So much for the strike movement of the staff of the local authority.
With regard to the strike action by National Education staff, a minimum service will be provided for children in nursery schools whose teachers are on strike, on the premises of the Ménez-Paul municipal leisure center located at 133 rue Hoche, Within the limit of available seats.
In Quimperplan picnics for students from 23 schools out of 35. A minimum reception service will also be set up in schools where more than 25% of teachers are on strike, provided they are registered beforehand.
– City of Quimper
Disruptions to be expected too in Carhaix, where there will be no canteen, except in elementary schools, but not in all classes. If the nursery schools of Huella and Kerven will be open this Thursday, there will be no canteen or daycare. The Diwan school will be open and only morning childcare will be provided. Persivien elementary school will be open and daycare and catering services will be provided. At the elementary school on Boulevard de la République, only two classes, CP-CE2 and CE1 monolingual, will be open. And the canteen and daycare will be provided for these two classes.
In the transports
TER traffic will be the most disturbed this Thursday with 6 out of 10 trains. Breizh Go anticipates disruptions hour by hour and depending on the lines. It is better to consult on its website the trains or buses that have been removed.
the Intercity traffic will also be the most impacted with only 1 out of 2 trains scheduled for Thursday. On the other hand, the circulation of TGVs and international lines is announced almost normal. The Atlantic TGV and the France-Spain link will be the most disrupted.
In the city, in Brestbus lines 12, 13, 14 and 23, the naval base line, will be impacted. In Quimper, ten bus lines will be disrupted. Details can be found on the QUB network website.