What did the football legend really die of at 82?

Sad news in the world of sport… This Thursday, December 29, 2022, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé, died at the age of 82 at Albert-Einstein Hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, said his agent Joe Fraga to the AP agency. It had already been several days since the state of health of the man who has long been considered the best footballer in the world was considered worrying. Kely Cristina Nascimento, the athlete’s daughter, took to her social networks this Wednesday, December 28, 2022 to give news of her father. “These moments are difficult to explain. Sometimes a lot of sadness and despair, other times we laugh and talk about funny memories. And what we learn most from all of this is that we need to seek out each other, and hold on tight. It’s the only way it’s worth it “, she had written.

A colon tumor

“Hospitalized on November 29 for the evaluation of a chemotherapy treatment for a colon tumor and the treatment of a respiratory infection, Edson Arantes do Nascimento presents a progression of his cancer, and requires greater care related to kidney and heart dysfunction, had explained the health professionals at his bedside. A bedside near which were also his relatives whose behavior caused controversy. Shocked by a video posted on the networks, Internet users had not failed to point the finger at the family of the footballer. “Doing videos for social networks, is it really necessary there? These psychos… Let Pelé go with dignity”, “Filming someone who films a person at the end of their life… Pelé or not, it’s absolutely horrifying. All that’s missing is product placement in the video”, “I can’t even believe it’s so horrible”, could we read. Pelé leaves behind thousands of tearful fans.


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