In the midst of a fratricidal struggle, a Loiret judge ruled: the three Delon children no longer have to get involved in their father’s medical care. Before a new turnaround?
Reading time: 2 min

A weakened holy monster. The health of Alain Delon, 88, is now in the hands of justice: the legend of French cinema was placed on January 25 under the regime of “judicial safeguard” for his medical monitoring, the main point of contention between the children of the actor.
Since the beginning of January, the star’s three children have been waging a fratricidal war, through the media and justice, each swearing to want to protect Alain Delon, in declining health since a stroke in 2019. But it is the lymphoma that touches the legend of cinema, and the pursuit of possible treatment, that the resentments concentrate.
A “neutral and impartial” agent
Anouchka thus accuses her brothers of endangering the life of the actor The swimming pool and Cheetah, who no longer takes treatment against this disease since his installation in the summer of 2023 in his estate in Douchy-Montcorbon (Loiret). She says she wants to take her father to Switzerland so that he can continue to receive treatment there. Anthony Delon, the actor’s eldest son, for his part denounces a useless and even harmful treatment, because the lymphoma develops slowly. He accuses his sister of wanting to bring their father back to Switzerland, the country of which he is a national, solely to pay less taxes on the inheritance. A deep disagreement which therefore led the courts to decide.
In her order, the guardianship judge points out the disagreement between Alain Delon’s children on “its medical care and the practitioners in charge of its follow-up“.
“It is necessary, in view of the conflict surrounding the adult, that a judicial agent for the protection of adults, neutral and impartial, be designated to assist him.”
The guardianship judge of the Montargis judicial court
A first legal act before a hearing
Concretely, this regime prevents a doctor from being too close to one of the actor’s children: his two sons Anthony and Alain-Fabien on one side, his daughter Anouchka on the other. A way to keep children away from Alain Delon’s medical follow-up and calm the debates.
This protective measure actually allows an adult to be represented to carry out certain acts of everyday life. A legal representative must now assist the actor”for his medical follow-up and as to the choice of practitioners ensuring his follow-up“, we can read in the document. This status, less restrictive than being placed under guardianship or curatorship, lasts one year and can be renewed once.
The legal representative, a woman, therefore now assists Alain Delon with his medical monitoring, in particular the choice of practitioners who follow him. This decision was taken urgently on Thursday January 25, after the actor’s request for protection by his lawyers, three weeks ago, followed by a medical expertise. This allows you to wait until a hearing is scheduled before the guardianship judge.