what can manufacturers replace eggs with in their recipes?



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Due to a shortage of eggs, industrialists have been authorized to modify their recipes and to opt for products of substitution. The journalist Luc Bazizin provides more details on the set of 12/13, Tuesday August 30.

France is currently facing a shortage of eggs, caused by avian flu. So the government is temporarily allowing the agri-food industry to change its recipes based on poultry eggs. But what can we replace the eggs in a recipe? “Manufacturers have several solutions”asserts the journalist Luc Bazizin, present on the set of 12/13, Tuesday August 30.

Thus, applesauce, tapioca starch, flax seeds, tofu, vinegar and baking soda mixed together, and even vegetable cooking water can be used as substitutes. “Concretely, the taste will be about the same, but the components will be different, although the labels will not immediately mention it. On the other hand, it will be necessary to hide the inscriptions of the type ‘raised in the open air’, from organic farming’ or ‘GMO-free'”, continues the journalist, who specifies that it is a derogation of three months. Manufacturers would therefore not have the time to change their packaging as quickly as the recipes.

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