What bait to use for catfish fishing

Every Sunday, Bruno Garcia from the Charente-Maritime fishing federation answers questions from France Bleu la Rochelle listeners and today Julien has not found the answer to his questions on the Federation’s website. He usually catches catfish with chicken tripe and squid strips. As the regulations differ from one department to another, he would like to know if this is authorized in Charente-Maritime.

Bruno Garcia:

I think that by digging a little bit you could have found the answers to your questions, but it is always interesting to note that access to certain information is difficult and that we have to question ourselves on this subject and in particular on the clarity of the path so that everyone finds their benefit. In Charente-Maritime and in the vast majority of French departments, all baits and baits of animal origin are prohibited. Julien will therefore have to exclude these “ingredients” until the opening of the pike which will take place this year on April 29th. On the other hand and since January 01, 2021 you can derogate from the usual rule by using an octopus type lure of a minimum of 15 cm in length and a minimum of 80 grams. We considered that this technique could only and only capture catfish and not pike.

Jean-Pierre tells us that the site of the FD is very well done but that he could not find if on the river “Le mignon” fishing is authorized in the water. He would also like to know if trout releases will take place on the La Gères river.

The Mignon is a beautiful tributary of the Sèvre – Niortaise. Jean-Pierre is very sensitive and tells us that the FD site is very well done, but he also denounces some difficulties in accessing the information he wants. He does not tell us whether he fishes on the Charente Maritime side or on the Deux-Sèvres side. This is essential for the answer, knowing that this watercourse has a linear 1 st category in Deux – Sèvres and is totally in 2 nd category in Charente-Maritime. The limit is at Moulin Neuf in the town of Mauzé sur le Mignon. Le Mignon being therefore a 2nd category river in Charente-Maritime, we are on a part of the river where in theory trout is not the dominant fish. What you need to know is that there is indeed a ban on fishing in the water until March 31 but only in 1st category. On trout streams this time. Well in any case this date is behind us which means today that you can fish anywhere in the water in 17.

What is the point of this ban?

Protect potential trout breeding grounds. We can still have in March a late reproduction of the trout and in this case the trampling would come to put in difficulty the fry for 2 reasons. First the trampling of the area but also the suspension of sediments which would clog the gills, the respiratory system of the fry. Regarding trout spills on the Gères, you have one that took place this weekend and another next week.

On which sector these trout spills?

From the laundry room in Surgères to the church of Saint Pierre La Noue.

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