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A new day of rally against the pension reform took place, Saturday, February 11. The CGT claims 2.5 million people in France, and the Ministry of the Interior 963,000.
They do not want to retreat from reform. For many, this first Saturday of mobilization in the streets, was a first demonstration against the postponement of the legal age of departure. “On a Saturday, we don’t lose a day of work, and we can say what we have to say, finally“, rejoices a woman. In Paris, the crowd was record for the fourth day of mobilization. It brought together demonstrators of all ages. Some came with their families.
More families
In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), for the first day of the school holidays, fewer demonstrators as in many regions, but more families. A father took his 13-year-old son. “It’s just civic education, showing him that you can always express yourself in the street to show your displeasure“, he comments. Massive popular support over time is what the unions are hoping for. If the call from the streets remains unanswered, they say they are ready to harden the movement in early March.We also call, on the 7th, if things have not changed by then, to put France on hold to reflect on who it is, what is the world of work“, declared Laurent Berger, the general secretary of the CFDT.