What are these crowns of leaves in certain villages of Luxembourg

Around May 1 in Luxembourg, in some municipalities, you will see a huge crown of branches and leaves on the village square or on the front of shops.

No, it’s not a funeral wreath!

It’s the “meekranz”: the crown of May leaves

It is a tradition of the Grand Duchy.

Every May 1st, in many cities, the associations get together in the morning and go to the forest to collect branches and leaves which will then be used to make a huge wreath.

The wreath is very large but very simple and it takes no more than a few hours to make.

It will then be hung on the pediment of the village café and will remain here for several days.

Why the village cafe?

Because May 1st in Luxembourg and in the region of Arlon in Belgium, is above all synonymous with “Maitrank”.

Maitrank or… waldmeister ©Getty

Maitrank or… waldmeister!

A drink that we know well in Bitcherland is the famous waldi, wine marinated in fragrant woodruff flowers, we open the first bottles on May 1st at our neighbors.

So if you see a crown of leaves and branches in some villages in Luxembourg, you can be sure that the first day of May was well “watered” in this municipality!

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