what are the ways to improve the health system?



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Faced with the shortage of caregivers and the overcrowding of emergency services, several solutions are being considered, or even already implemented, in certain French cities.

In the darkness of the neonatology service, in Valenciennes (North), seven childcare workers are missing. One of the urgencies of the hospital is to keep its health personnel at all costs. The doctor François Braun is in charge of a flash mission: to find short-term solutions to manage the hospital crisis. He already has a track for this summer. “We need to give meaning back to the nursing profession. 50% of a caregiver’s time in the hospital is administrative time”he explains.

To unclog emergencies, some cities have already found solutions. A 5th year medical student travels to carry out a mobile teleconsultation, supervised by a doctor connected 50 kilometers away. A means of providing care throughout the territory. Nearly 70% of emergency visits are avoided thanks to mobile teleconsultation.

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