what are the “very political” profiles sought by Elisabeth Borne for the new ministers?

Studious weekend at the Elysée. After a first meeting on Friday July 1 between the President and the Prime Minister, the work continues. Objective: to compose a new government on Monday. For this new team, Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron are looking for experienced recruits.

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A reshuffle is not a political stunt, it’s a recruitment“, thus assures a heavyweight of the government, who thinks that “in any case, this reshuffle will not change the current political deal“. First observation therefore, the idea of ​​a coalition is buried: the opposition will remain in the opposition. And the executive is preparing to fight on each text.

Elisabeth Borne understood this very quickly: in one week, the LR group, the only one likely to really play the extra strength, did not move an inch. Too many “Macron-compatible” Republicans were mistreated during the investitures of the majority for the legislative elections, when they finally won, deplores a heavyweight of the government. For him, after having unleashed hostile candidacies, “now we have to let some time pass“.

So, go for text-by-text negotiation. This will imply being able to build compromises very early on. This calls for a certain legislative sobriety: “More collected texts will make it possible to raise the level to make them real political objects“, judges a pillar of the executive, who underlines that, moreover, not everything goes through the legislature and that on certain files, regulatory texts also make it possible to move forward.

The laws will no longer be written by technical advisers in interministerial meetings, they will be done at the refreshment bar of the Assembly“, jokes a senior minister. “Today, no name is able to move a single voice during votes in Parliament“, adds one of his colleagues. Hence the need to recruit seasoned ministers in the mysteries of parliament in the new government team, confirms a source at the heart of the executive. The watchword therefore: seriousness and efficiency Proposed job description: be an excellent specialist in his sector, be very political and a good connoisseur of parliamentary mysteries, able to discuss with the opposition.

MPs can therefore make good candidates“, also judges a source at the heart of power. The time that their alternates have the right to sit, this will still deprive the majority of a few seats, but according to this pillar of the executive, “the adoption of the texts will not come down to that“.

The most important thing is to find profiles capable of negotiating, of building compromises, even before the texts are released in the Council of Ministers, he assures us. Regulars of the parliamentary game, men and women in the shadows, more than flashy names? “Beware of flattering poaching, who do well in the media and speak to public opinion but point at their former friends in the hemicycle“, slice a very close to Emmanuel Macron. Exit, therefore, a priori the appointments”sequins“intended to cause an effect”wow“.

There remains, finally, the timing: will the new government be appointed before the general policy speech scheduled for next Wednesday before the deputies? Technically, it’s not a requirement. Even if on the side of Matignon, we recognize that of course it would be preferable: more coherent, more logical, more readable.

According to information from franceinfo, the Prime Minister wishes to go beyond the four appointments necessary to replace the three ministers beaten in the legislative elections, as well as Yaël Braun-Pivet who resigned from his post. of Minister of Overseas to preside over the Assembly. Elisabeth Borne therefore intends to speak again with Emmanuel Macron about the case of Damien Abad, the Minister of Solidarity accused of rape by three women. The Paris prosecutor’s office has just opened an investigation after the last complaint.

Finally, it wants to fill the positions that are still lacking: Housing, Transport, Crafts and SMEs, Digital, Industry. So many sectors which can no longer, in his eyes, remain without interlocutors, confides a very close friend. All this in an idea of ​​a government far from being bloated, composed of about thirty positions. Announcements could appear as early as Sunday evening July 3, and more likely Monday July 4.

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