what are the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate?




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Activists will be very attentive to the debate between the two rounds, Wednesday April 20, because each camp knows that there are still millions of French people to convince. Decryption with Christelle Méral, present, Wednesday April 20, on the set of 20 Hours.

Journalist Christelle Méral immersed herself in the latest study by Ipsos, a partner of France Télévisions. First observation: a large percentage of undecided people. “13% of voters”precisely. “That is to say that they are sure to vote, but their choice can still change. This is a little less than in 2017, 15% of voters then hesitated between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron “continues the journalist.

Candidates will have to work on their image. Emmanuel Macron should play to his advantage: “For 64% of respondents, he has the makings of a president”explains Christelle Méral, who specifies that it “should not appear too authoritarian”which 55% of those questioned blame him for, and “show that he understands people’s problems”, which only 25% recognize. If Marine Le Pen understands, for 46% of respondents, people’s problems, only 39% find her the stuff of a president. The main concerns of viewers are purchasing power, health, Ukraine and the environment.

“2022 Wave 10 electoral survey”, Ipsos Sopra Steria

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