what are the rights of consumers?

Watch out for the “good deals” suggested by Black Friday in November. Raphaël Bartlomé is legal director at What to choose.

franceinfo: Should the seller or the site clearly display the discount granted during Black Friday?

Raphaël Bartlomé: Sites and stores are free to display the promotion either as a percentage or as an amount in euros, they have this freedom. But what is mandatory is to specify the reference price.

Can all items be sold off?

Yes, and that’s the difference with sales that only cover merchandise that has been on sale for at least thirty days.

Does buying a discounted product affect my rights?

No, this is only the price which is subject to a reduction. The rights of consumers remain the same with the same guarantees.

Are there any rights differences between buying in store and buying online?

Not on rights but on the implementation of these rights. For example, when shopping in a store, you know the seller. On the Internet, the site will not always be the seller of the product and this can be difficult.

Do I have the right to change my mind and return the product if I buy it on sale?

For internet purchases there is a right of withdrawal. Within 14 days of delivery you can return the product for a refund, but for in-store purchases it will depend on the commercial policy that is applied.

What is the value of the words “neither returned nor exchanged”?

It is completely legal for in-store purchases, as long as the product has no defects.

What are my options ?

We must keep a record of the exchanges with the seller. Priority should be given to emails and letters. We can also challenge the seller on social networks, it works, and if the disagreement persists we can appeal to a consumer association or a mediator, whose contact details can be found in the general conditions of sale.

If the delivery is late?

It is possible to request a refund, but you must first give the seller an additional deadline, and after this new deadline, an email or letter will suffice to be reimbursed.

What if the product does not comply?

We can keep it and get the partial refund, we can demand delivery of the correct product, and the seller will have to do so within 30 days, and if there is no more stock, you can request a refund of the command.

What are Black Friday scams?

It’s price hacking. Often the prices of promotional products have increased in recent days to show very significant discount percentages.

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