what are the regions where the mercury should reach 30 degrees?

If the month of May is the month that sees the last frosts make the young flowering cuttings shiver, it is the month that sees the first onlookers take off their tops on the beach and unsheath their bathing suits. And in this fifth month of the year 2022, it is the beaches of France that will be on the rise given the weather forecast by weather experts. Indeed, from this Monday, May 9, 2022, a heat wave should reach the country. An episode which should extend until Friday, May 13, 2022, according to information from Meteo France.

“A first surge of hot air is expected on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The mercury should reach 28°C in Paris, eight degrees above seasonal norms”, affirms Patrick Gallois forecaster at Météo France to our colleagues from France Info who even announces peaks of 30 ° C in the South, even in the center of the country. This temperature cap could be reached or even exceeded in the Loire Valley or Burgundy, but also in Cognac, Le Mans, Grenoble or Lyon.

Thursday and Friday, the air will be a little cooler, with a small influx of maritime air linked to a westerly wind, which will lower temperatures north of the Loire. This may result in some thundery showers. This small degradation will be short-lived since we will find high pressure conditions next weekend over the whole of France.“, warns Patrick Gallois.

Is a drought expected?

Very high temperatures which can also raise fears of drought, which is always terrible for farmers. “We are going towards days favoring the progressive drying of the soil, which is much drier than normal in certain regions, the South-East in particular but also the Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Ideally, there should be alternating periods of good weather and disturbances. But when we move towards summer, this is generally not the expected scenario, even if the seasonal forecasts for the summer period will only be available at the end of May-beginning of June. The situation therefore needs to be monitored.”, warns the forecaster.


See also: Katy Perry as Miss Weather for UNICEF

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