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This is not the first time that testimonies have denounced negligence and abuse in nursing homes, regardless of the price of the room.
Several official reports have used the formula of “institutional mistreatment” to describe the situation of certain public and private nursing homes for years. According to the reports, it is often the same observation: residents are left alone unoccupied and unsupervised. Toilets are sloppy for lack of sufficient staff.
The directors of the establishment themselves denounce an untenable situation. It is the State and the department that provide an envelope to finance care and dependency in the nursing home. Residents pay for the room, meals and entertainment. Their money cannot be used to pay healthcare workers except in for-profit facilities. But the nursing home private companies would often have a completely different priority, profitability. This sector, private for profit, has obtained in recent years 111 million euros of additional public money.
Communication Service of the General Directorate of Social Cohesion
EHPAD flash mission report 2017
Report of the Court of Auditors 2016