what are the real risks?


Article written by

PL. Monnier, A.Guin, K. Toufik, S. Agriabo, S. Simoes, A.Bouville. C de Chassey – France 2

France Televisions

Trust is essential between banks and customers. It is however undermined when neobanks go bankrupt and they are unable to reimburse their customers. What are the pitfalls to avoid regarding these structures?

In Paris, around fifty clients are fighting to recover their money, which they had entrusted to a neo-bank which recently went bankrupt. The Lille company was still broadcasting an advertising video in June, just before closing. “I am in a state of mind of nervousness, disappointment and incomprehension about what happened, and I hope I can find answers”, testifies Olivier Jarry, a former client of Swoom who placed and lost more than 10,000 euros in the neobank.

The neobank offered savings accounts with an attractive annual return of 3%. Only, the bank policeman says that the proposal of this option was prohibited to them were not allowed to offer this option. “Swoon practiced illegally. It did not have the necessary approvals to market a savings account “said theACPR, the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority.

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