what are the planned measures?



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On November 8, the Bishops of France met to discuss the measures planned after the publication of the Sauvé report on child crime in the Church.

After the publication of the Sauvé report on child crime in the Church, the time has come for answers. The bishops’ conference which is being held on Monday, November 8 is supposed to bring some. “For now, strong words with the recognition of the responsibility of the Church in sexual assault”, reports Régis Cothias, live from Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées).

Many victims of pedophilia expect a lot from these long days of the Bishops’ Conference, especially on the thorny issue of compensation. “No explicit reference or even precise outlines on possible compensation”, details the journalist from France Télévisions, before insisting on the fact that “for now [à la mi-journée ndlr.], no mention of compensation or specific envelope “ for the victims is not to report.

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