What are the parties proposing for the environment?


Video length: 2 min

Legislative 2024: what are the parties proposing for the environment?
Legislative 2024: what are the parties proposing for the environment?
(France 2)

Curbing global warming is on the agenda of each party candidate in the early legislative elections. But what about their proposals? Back to the details of these.

How to limit global warming? On paper, all the parties competing for the legislative elections are committed to it with sometimes radically opposed measures. Wednesday June 26, France Télévisions reveals everyone’s proposals on the environment. A slogan at the National Rally: refuse a “punitive ecology”. The far-right party, for example, wants to reconsider the ban on renting accommodation with a poor energy diagnosis.

The RN also has an energy in its sights: wind power, and wants a “moratorium” on the “new wind turbine projects”, explains RN deputy Alexandre Loubet. The relaunch of nuclear power is one of the guidelines favored by the Republicans, while the majority party is also banking on this energy and wishes to build 14 EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) by 2050. Transport is also one major poles of the New Popular Front, which wants a moratorium on major highway projects to develop trains and small lines in particular.

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