what are the occupations that make the most room for young people?

In which profession am I most likely to be hired at the end of my studies? The Department for the animation of research, studies and statistics (Dares) has just published a study on the trades which give the greatest place to young adults at the beginning of their working life. It emerges that some trades hire young people more readily than others.

Unqualified young people will find it easier to get a job in material handling. It is the number one job for young people who leave without a diploma. Loading, sorting, packaging, shipping: a modest profession, but very open to young people. In second position comes the work of employee and supervisor of the hotel and restaurant industry. Clearly, the service and everything related to the cleanliness of the establishments. Still for unskilled young people, they will find more easily a job as skilled worker in mechanics, professional in cultural or sports action, supervisors and cashiers in self-service.

Before choosing a CAP, studying the Dares can be useful. It is towards the butcher’s shop, the delicatessen or the bakery that you have to orient yourself if you want to be sure of finding a job after your studies. Young people holding a CAP or BEP are seven times more present among butchers, pork butchers and bakers than in all trades. Then come the orderlies, then, once again, the handling workers, followed by the cooks and the mechanical workers.

The bac + 2 will find work more easily in the professions to which access is regulated. Like paramedical professions, pharmacy technicians, laboratory technicians, for example. These are the ones with the most young people. Next come social work and guidance professionals, computer technicians, accounting workers, and banking and insurance workers. At bac +5, it is the professions of engineer, construction executives and legal professionals that are the most welcoming to young people.

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