what are the next steps for the government text in the National Assembly and the Senate?

Michel Barnier’s team submitted its copy on Thursday. A solemn vote by deputies on the entire bill must take place on November 19, Eric Coquerel, president of the finance committee of the National Assembly, said on Friday.


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Antoine Armand, the Minister of the Economy (left), and Laurent Saint-Martin, the Minister of the Budget, during the report of the Council of Ministers, in Paris, October 10, 2024. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

A race against time has begun, in a context of strong political tensions. If the government presented its draft budget for the year 2025 on Thursday, October 10, different phases still await the executive before possible adoption in the National Assembly. This process can be shortened at any time if Michel Barnier decides to use article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows him to have a text adopted without a vote. Franceinfo reviews the main stages planned at this stage.

October 13: deadline for submitting amendments

A first deadline concerns the tabling of amendments. Deadline is set “until Sunday October 13 at midnight, that is to say on the night of October 13 to 14”said LFI deputy Eric Coquerel, president of the finance committee of the National Assembly, on Friday in the preamble to the hearing of the Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, and the Minister Delegate for the Budget, Laurent Saint-Martin.

October 29: solemn vote on the first part of the text

In a finance bill, the first part mainly concerns revenue, recalls the official website of the French administration. In summary: taxes. Examination of the text in committee will begin on October 16 and end on October 19. The work in public session must take place “from Monday October 21 to Friday October 25 with a view to a solemn vote on the whole of the first part, which should take place on Tuesday October 29 after questions to the government”detailed Eric Coquerel.

This first part must be adopted before the start of the committee examination of the second part, devoted mainly to expenditure, in other words to the budgets of the various ministries.

November 19: solemn vote on the entire text

The National Assembly’s finance committee must examine the second part of the budget between October 28 and November 4. Public sessions will be held from November 5 to November 18. “The solemn vote on the entire finance bill for 2025 would therefore take place on Tuesday, November 19”declared Eric Coquerel. He mentioned the possibility “to open additional days of sessions” if the examination of all the articles and amendments has not been completed by this date.

“Due to the forty-day deadline imposed for the examination at first reading of the National Assembly and to the extent that the summary letter starting the counting of this deadline should be sent to the President of the Assembly tomorrow [samedi]we may have to sit until November 21.”underlined the MP.

Theoretically, after its adoption in the National Assembly, the text goes to the Senate. In total, the government has a maximum period of seventy days to examine, amend and vote on its finance bill.

But for some, like the Renaissance deputy for Paris Sylvain Maillard, “there will be no vote at the end, there will be a 49.3”. “At 250 deputies, we did not have a majority, you can imagine that at 215 we will not have more”he explained on Thursday on Franceinfo.

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