what are the new announcements from Gabriel Attal?


Video length: 2 min

Anger of farmers: what are Gabriel Attal’s new announcements?

Anger of farmers: what are Gabriel Attal’s new announcements? – (France 2)

FNSEA and Young Farmers are calling for demonstrations on Friday February 23, the day before the opening of the Agricultural Show. Gabriel Attal’s announcements this Wednesday did not convince.

New actions from farmers, Wednesday February 21. Near Agen (Lot-et-Garonne), they dumped slurry near a highway, dissatisfied with Gabriel Attal’s announcements. “Announcements, at some point, are very nice, but they have to stop. They really have to take into account what we are experiencing on the ground”comments Jean-Marie Dirat, sheep breeder and vice-president of FNSEA Occitanie.

Debate at the Agricultural Show?

In the morning, the Prime Minister announced a new Egalim law by the summer, to improve remuneration by acting on prices. To facilitate recruitment, the agricultural sector will be classified as “professions in tension”, which will facilitate the allocation of visas for foreign seasonal workers. Finally, the time has come for the simplification of standards: out of ten measures already announced, six texts have been adopted or will soon be adopted. The agricultural unions, who have been negotiating for more than a month, say they remain unsatisfied. According to the FNSEA, Emmanuel Macron would be ready to contact farmers on Saturday at the Salon de l’Agriculture, in the form of a major debate.

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