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There are many products, sometimes herbal, that promise to help you sleep better. But are they really effective, and how to choose them well? Investigation.
Remedies for insomnia, often herbal, exist in all forms in pharmacies. They are on sale between 3 and 25 euros. At the Pharmabest Les Halles pharmacy (Paris), sales have exploded in recent years. The sleep of the French has deteriorated. According to a study by Public Health France, seven out of ten people sleep poorly.
The opinion of a specialist
Many are turning to so-called “natural” products. “I use this. Even if it’s placebo, it works very well on me anyway”, laughs a customer. A team from France Télévisions presented a selection of products to Pr. Steven Laureys, neurologist and author of the book “Sleep is good for the brain”. “Marketing”according to him. “We would give anything to sleep well, and swallow a pill. In reality, it’s too easy”, he adds. Instead, he recommends relaxation, work on lifestyle habits and herbal tea.