what are the means of combating school bullying?

Mockery and insults in the playground, hateful messages posted on social networks or beatings in the locker room of the gym: school bullying affects one in ten pupils in France at school, college or high school. This scourge, which is now considered a crime
since February 2022 and punishable by two to ten years in prison and up to 150,000 euros in fines, gradually destroys the children who are victims of it, sometimes pushing them to suicide. For the day against school bullying, this Thursday, November 10, France Bleu lists all the means available in France to fight against the phenomenon.

Help numbers

The 3020, dedicated to children who are victims of school bullying

Young victims of school bullying and families can contact the 3020. This phone number is free from all workstations (fixed, mobile). According to the Ministry of Education website, “offers listening, advice and guidance to callers”. 3020 can be reached from Monday to Friday, except public holidays, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The people who answer the phone are psychologists or education science professionals.

3018, in case of cyberbullying

If school bullying takes place in the playground, it also goes beyond the school setting and sometimes continues on social networks. Moreover, the platforms now have the obligation to moderate comments and messages that may constitute harassment. In addition to moderation, the 3018 has been put in place to combat cyberbullying. This number is “100% anonymous, free and confidential”. 3018 can be reached Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can also send a message via this form
then to be called back by a professional.

Listeners can get prompt removal of compromising content on social networks, especially in situations of blackmail after exchanges of nude photos or revenge porn who “consists in taking revenge on a person by making public pornographic content in which the latter appears” Explain e-Enfance, child protection association on the internet, on its website
According to one study carried out by e-Enfance and Caisse d’Epargne
end of 2021, 20% of young people say they have already been confronted with a situation of cyberbullying.


The 3018 app

In addition to number 3018, the 3018 mobile app
also allows you to discuss on a chat to report risky situations, especially in the school environment. These reports are then transmitted to social networks so that they remove the content in question or to the Pharos platform, the official portal for reporting illegal content on the internet, for the most serious cases.

The application allows victims and witnesses to send a screenshot of harassment situations so that they are even better accompanied. It can be downloaded at Google Play
Or on iOS

The Kolibri app

The association “Marion La Main Tendue” launched last April its Kolibri app
to help children who are bullied or cyberbullied at school. This free and easy-to-use application also allows you to strengthen the dialogue between children and parents. Just download it and create an account. Then, the child or the teenager can indicate his emotion but also indicate if he is harassed or witnesses of bullying. Parents can scan a QR code on their child’s phone to track their emotions. If the child has shown negative emotions for several days, the parent knows about it and can start a dialogue with him to try to figure out why.

It can be downloaded at Google Play
Or on iOS

A prevention program in establishments

In 2019, the government launched a prevention program against school bullying in elementary and middle schools, the pHARe program, generalized in 2021 throughout France. Nearly 45% of colleges (2,300) and nearly 8,200 schools have already committed to this program.

The pHARe program notably provides for the drafting and implementation of a support protocol harassment situations, the formation of a reference team (five people) and ten student ambassadors per establishment (middle and high school), or ten hours of training per year for children from CP. These student ambassadors are responsible for identifying and dealing with bullied students, while also speaking with perpetrators such as in this college of Limoges
. A total of 22,900 student ambassadors and 15,500 National Education staff had already been trained at the end of 2021, according to the Ministry of Education.

A danger assessment grid

A “hazard assessment grid” to better anticipate school bullying: this is what the Ministry Delegate for Citizenship put in place at the end of 2021. This grid, “thought on the model of the evaluation grid in the context of violence against women and which has proven itself, should allow families (parents and young people themselves) and professionals to better assess the situation in order to better to anticipate”.

This is’a questionnaire in duplicate – one to be completed by the child who is suspected of being the victim of bullying, the other by one of his parents. Depending on the “score” obtained and the seriousness of the facts, advice is offered: call 3018 or 3020 or report the facts to an adult or even file a complaint. “I wanted to set up a tool to empower and help parents who play an essential role alongside professionals, on the model of what works to assess gender-based and sexual violence”Minister Marlène Schiappa explained to AFP, stressing that the objective is to “understand in order to act”.

You can download and print this danger assessment grid by following this link

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